Well, because it happens to be my -another very long- holiday, I always find myself confused when it comes to night time, not every night anyway, just...lately.
So, I end up here, in my blog, try to write something that might be not important for you guys, but I'm sure it's not important for me either, just another little crap of mine, actually.
Now, what I want to say is, well, not a particular thing anyway...
I have this thought that's haunting me from yesterday, is it just me or some people indeed have habits whenever they feel not really good (I don't want to say it bad, tho) they just want to make distance with people?
Because that's what happens to me, it's not that I'm in a sad situation or anything pathetic, it's just a situation where I should deal with myself.
And that makes me like I want to disappear from the world called cyber, and not going out of house, just staying at my room, watching movies, without social-networking (just a little, maybe). And holiday makes it even more perfect, you have no activities, you have no schedules, perfect.
But I'm curious, are there people like me too? Because several times ago, I realize that some people nowadays really, really can't get enough of social-networking, it's like their life is on internet, and every single events they do, every single things they feel, every single foods they eat, every single places they visit, should be updated, like the entire world should know, come on, get a life, I guess.
But, yeah, it's back to the individuals anyway and it's just my opinion, or may be my -now- character that's not really attached to thing called social-networking, especially in this kind of situation. It's like whenever you open those sites, and you see someone is freaking out and screaming out of everything they feel, meanwhile you already have your own problems, then it's just making your problems feel worse. Really. That happens on me.
So I just figure out that I have this one principle:
"Whenever you feel no good, just disappear, deal with yourself, and come back fresh. Because, once you deal with yourself, you deal with everything"
Ok, I've told you it's a crap.
Now I'm gonna push the publish button and have a sleep.
(P.S: I don't count Blogger as a social network anyway, well, you know which social network that I mean :p )
Kamis, 25 Juli 2013
Sabtu, 20 Juli 2013
You Are The Apple of My Eye
Pernah nonton film ini? Yang sudah, pasti ada yang bilang bagus, biasa aja, atau malah tidak suka, karena ending-nya yang -mungkin- tidak sesuai ekspektasi.
Kalau gue, termasuk orang yang bilang bagus. Karena entah kenapa setelah nonton film ini, salah satu ruang di hati gue terketuk dan tergelitik pilu (?)
Untuk yang belum nonton, gue sarankan jangan teruskan membaca, karena mungkin gue akan memberikan spoiler besar tentang film ini. (Sorry, my bad :p)
Jadi ceritanya, ada cewek dan cowok dalam kelas yang sama di suatu sekolah. Awalnya mereka nggak suka satu sama lain, tapi karena beberapa kejadian, akhirnya mereka mulai sadar kalau ada perasaan berlebih yang timbul di hati mereka. Tapi entah kenapa, si cowok ini selalu takut untuk menyatakan perasaan cintanya. Sampai suatu hari, mereka berdua jalan-jalan, dan si cowok menyatakan cinta, tapi alih-alih takut ditolak, dia nggak mau denger jawaban si cewek. Dan malah menyuruh si cewek untuk menulis jawabannya di lampion yang kemudian mereka terbangkan. Dan kalian tau sendiri, akhirnya mereka nggak jadi pacaran. Sampai kemudian terjadi konfilik antara mereka, dan mereka tidak saling kontak untuk beberapa waktu hingga suatu saat datanglah berita kalau si cewek akan menikah. Dan pada akhirnya, si cowok harus merelakan cinta dalam hidupnya untuk orang lain.
Padahal kalau si cowok menyatakan cinta sejak sekolah dulu atau kalau si cowok mau mendengarkan jawaban si cewek saat jalan-jalan dulu, dan melihat jawaban yang ada di lampion-nya, pasti mereka bisa menjadi sepasang kekasih. How tragic, man. It was so close.
Gue sempet geregetan sama cowoknya, kenapa harus takut padahal jelas-jelas si cewek sudah kasih sinyal positif, sementara di lain sisi, si cewek hanya bisa menunggu. And I know that must be hurting to wait. Meskipun memang tidak harus selalu cowok yang menyatakan perasaan, but, most girls like to feel special, right?
Tapi setelah itu gue sadar, betapa realistisnya film ini, dan pada akhirnya, ketika takdir tidak bertemu, kita hanya bisa ikhlas akan cinta yang hilang, orang yang pergi atau jiwa yang mati. *Hasek!*
Thanks to this film btw, I learn a lot.
If we may not end up with someone we're crazy about, at least we can make ourselves understand that love's not all about having each other.
Kalau kata Jebraw sih "Unconditional men, that's the best kind of love."
Benar sekali, cinta tanpa syarat, cinta tanpa mengharapkan kembali, memang jenis cinta terbaik yang ada di dunia. Dan akan indah sekali kalau semua orang bisa menerapkan hal itu.
Di tulisan sebelumnya, gue mungkin bilang kalau film romance tidak terlalu memberikan andil besar dalam pembelajaran gue tentang cinta, tapi sepertinya hal itu mulai sedikit tergeser, since it's holiday and the best option of my holiday is watching movies. And, maybe I kinda think that love is actually a cute thing to talk about? Idk for sure. It's holiday, anyway! *cheers*
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