Minggu, 17 Februari 2013

"Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions." ~Edgar Cayce

I kind of a agree with that quote. Suatu hari, gue terbangun dari mimpi dimana gue ketemu dengan salah satu temen ngaji gue waktu di TPA dulu. Orangnya ganteng. Baik lagi. Tapi gue nggak pernah suka sama dia, as a girl to a boy. Lha jelas, orang waktu kita temenan masih SD -sekitar kelas 2 sampai 5- Love wasn't on my dictionary at that age, not like kids nowadays. And even now it's still a strange word in my dictionary. Don't know why.

Pas gue mau keluar rumah bentar buat fotocopy, tiba-tiba ada cowok naik motor lewat depan rumah, and he smiled, and the big deal is, dia temen ngaji gue yang gue mimpiin semalem. Aneh kan? For many years, I've never had a thought about him, and for only one dream, already leads it to reality, because in my  dream he also smiled. Silly but true, I also smiled when he smiled, and my heart is, fluttering, but I don't wanna make that big, because I know that it's no more than a yearning. A yearning from a long friend.
Tapi karena gue nggak tau apa dia masih inget sama gue, jadi nggak gue sapa, lagian dulu kita juga gak temenan deket banget. For all I know, that dream's indeed an answer to what happened latter, like Edgar's quote. -Gue mimpiin dia, pertanda kalo gue bakal ketemu dia-

Beberapa hari berlalu, dan tadi malem gue mimpiin tentang dia lagi, tapi dia nggak nunjukkin wajahnya, cuma gue yang keliatan nyari-nyari dia, karena disana ada semua temen ngaji gue waktu TPA dulu. Akhirnya, gue nggak berhasil nemuin dia. Gue juga nggak ngerti kenapa dia doang yang gue cari, but dreams don't really need reasons, right.
Tapi di lain sisi, mimpiin temen-temen ngaji bikin gue kangen banget sama mereka, karena mereka salah banyak orang yang cukup membuat kehidupan SD gue lebih sedikit bermakna -yeah, fyi, I don't like elementary school, I was bullied mentally, terribly awful-

Dan beruntung gue masih punya temen2 ngaji yang sangat baik dan lucu, sayang gue nggak punya kontak mereka sekarang. I miss you guys. T_________T

Sabtu, 16 Februari 2013

2 Weeks Remaining

There are still 2 weeks before I start the 2nd semester at college, meanwhile some other students already lost their holiday since several days ago and some other haven't feel the joy boredom of holiday.

And I think this longer free-time would make me the happiest student, or not..

It ain't that I don't like holiday, I like it much, I LOVE IT! But this one feels a bit too much, well lets say its just because I'm still not really familiar with my campus holiday agenda. For some perspectives, it may be a magnificent time to students who can spend it efficiently and effectively, like maybe go to work, make something for their future -I have no idea tho-, or help their parents, start something new to explore themselves et cetera et cetera. I am so envious of them in essentials.

If you know what I do in this holiholiday, you might be not wanting to have it this long, because I'm just sticking with laptop, playing around with high-school friends -that doesn't cost much Rupiahs of course-, walking randomly at home, sleeping all day, watching tv shows and movies, eating, EATING, EATING, thats ridiculous because I am already 5 kg fatter. Yes I am fat. Girls are so sensitive about kilograms, and how do you think my holiday with those activities? It might be fun for some first days, but believe me you won't stand it for the whole one and a half month. You'll be chased by boredom.

For my entire seconds in this life, this is the first time I hope holiday will finish faster. I should stop being useless and clueless. Lol.
I have intentions to find job at first, but you know, as I said before I am clueless about what work will suit me that won't make me a burden if I work there, and the harder I think, the more clueless I am.

So, I hope I can be useful in next holidays, maybe I can explore myself to know what work best suit me.

I'll be out now
Wish me a wonderful remaining 2 weeks of holiday!